Friday 30 November 2012

Heart to Heart: Possible to remain the woman he met many years ago!

It’s possible to remain the woman he met many years ago. Doubting? It is real and here are a few steps to achieving this.....

Be the woman he fell in love with.....
Why not let your man see the beauty of whom you are when he falls in love with you? Let your natural beauty (external and internal) shine out more than wearing make-up or trying to be someone you are not. Make sure you let your husband see it all the time.

Put variety in your life
Avoid doing the same things everyday in every aspect of your personal expression and overall marriage life.Surprise him even through simple gestures such as wearing a different dress/blouse, wearing your hair a little bit differently or cooking something he hasn’t tried before.
Be free when with your husband
It is true that problems, concerns, and worries are part of life but do not let them affect your interaction with him. Try your best to enjoy your husband’s company without letting him see that you are affected by life’s cares.

Bond with him
Do not let few small things get in the way of enjoying bonding time together with your husband such as irritation, smell, grudges, finances, etc. Support your husband in every aspect and show your love to him unconditionally without regrets.

Be a confident person
Being attractive starts with being confident and comfortable with yourself. You must like being around yourself before others will. Do not be arrogant, but be confident in your skills and abilities.

Have a positive attitude
Men like to be around someone who is always upbeat and positive. Positive people have a good energy that draws people to them. Negativity creates an atmosphere of gloom and doom which no one likes to be around. If you are not naturally a positive, upbeat person, it may be difficult for you to be in good mood all the time. Practice how not to dwell on the negatives of each situation and look on the bright side of things.
Have fun in whatever you do
Take joy in even the most routine part of your life, such as doing chores or going to work. Try to have fun in whatever you do and invite others to have fun with you. Fun-loving people draw others to them without even trying. He will see that you are a fun person and will want to be around you.

Use your sense of  humor
It helps if you are naturally funny and witty, but you do not have to be a comedian to have a sense of humor. Do not take things too seriously. Laugh easily and at yourself. He will appreciate your sense of humor and be drawn towards you. Just be careful of trying too hard to be funny or tell crude jokes.

Be nice
Men can easily ignore someone who gossips, nags, insults, teases, and alienates other people. However, if he knows you are a kind, caring person, how can he resist? This is why it is useful to treat others nicely so he will know what type of person you are. Smile! most men like ladies who smile. Trust me it will help a lot! It will also make you seem more approachable.

Be funny
Have a wonderful sense of humor. People gravitate towards people who can make others laugh and see the funny side of any situation. Nevertheless, do not cross the line into being silly— laughing at anything and everything that crosses your path can be seen stupid!

Be healthy
Guys take kindly to a woman who takes care of herself, and that means finding a happy medium for your weight, eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising. In addition, being healthy makes you more energetic, as well as adding to your confidence.

Be hygienic
Maintain yourself so that you always smell and look fresh and lovely. Take showers, brush your teeth at least two times a day, wear clean clothes, etc. Many guys find impeccable cleanliness to be extremely feminine.

yess o...... its a woman's duty to keep her man and family happy. hehe

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