Friday 30 November 2012

Heart to Heart:Reasons/excuses Why Some People Cheat

Many things can happen in a relationship to trigger the need for a partner to turn towards infidelity, such as a lack of intimacy, communication, attraction,. A relationship deserves honesty, and if a person isn't willing to be honest then they don't deserve a relationship. If a person feels they must be with someone else they owe it to their mate to terminate the relationship. Honestly I think people cheat most often because they themselves are insecure. Getting the attention of another helps them feel wanted, and helps them feel that if and when their current relationship ends, they will not end up alone....many more like....

 Is very much a part of our every day, capitalistic society. We all need to know how to compete in order to function in our society. People on a daily basis are competing for jobs, opportunities, recognition, etc.  However, competition within our intimate relationships can potentially wreak havoc between couples since the more competitive we are, the more self-centered we become. Competition emphasizes our goals and enhances our skills often to the detriment of our significant relationships. The opposite of competition is compassion. Compassion is the skill or ability to accurately experience the thoughts and feeling of another plus the desire to do whatever is necessary to help another in their time of distress. Many relationships would greatly benefit if there was simply more compassion between spouses.

Definitely lead to the deterioration of a relationship. The complaints may be true, but one must ask, “Are the complaints kind and necessary?” Listening to problems demoralizes us; where, talking about and applying solutions energizes us.

Because I'M are Bored  Many relationships become less exciting, romantic, and intimate over time. Perhaps the couple married too young and now one partner wants to experiment, or maybe they are under the impression that everybody else is doing it anyway. Research suggests most couples think cheating is more prevalent than it is. Many thrill-seekers do it simply because they can get away with it. Perhaps they’ve tested the waters without repercussion, and now have decided to wade even deeper into the pits of infidelity.

I Want to Get Caught They are dependent on their partner, whether out of loneliness, identity, or financial support, and they obviously lack the courage to face their partner and tell them they want out. While they may not be able to bring themselves to break off the relationship, their body is doing its best to do it for them. Sometimes this form of infidelity can also be driven by the same type of pleasure as derived from sex in public.

Because You Hurt Me
Some people truly believe that you reap what you sew (an eye for an eye), or so they hope. Others would rather take it upon themselves to dole out the punishment. This is revenge pure and simple, with the primary purpose to get back at a partner for cheating or hurting them in a way they perceive as similar.

Because You Aren’t Attracted to Me Anymore
These couples often have gone across the seven year itch, and no longer feel attractive to each other. Sometimes this occurs when one partner’s need for intimacy goes unmet, their libido is higher, or they are more ‘adventurous’ than the other. People who cheat justify themselves by their partner’s diminished interests. They are lonely, seeking attention, and looking for an ego boost. Sometimes this can be tied to a midlife crisis, or it could be that a wild, fantasy romp is all they really want.

Because I’m Avoiding Intimacy This is often one of the biggest shocks among couples, reason being that most people think an affair is born out of lack of intimacy, rather than the means to avoid it. Studies have shown that partners who exhibit an unhealthy phobia for intimacy are more prone to cheating, so they can avoid becoming too close to their chosen partner. In this case, it has nothing to do with their partner, and everything to do with their fear of commitment.

Because I was Intoxicated This excuse is in reference to the cheater not being within their right mind during the time of the crime, so it’s really not their fault......

Alright.....No one is perfect, there should be no excuses or reasons for cheating. If you don't enjoy your relationship or you feel your partner isn't fulfilling your needs for whatever it is. A simple talk will help. Do it 
 the right way! 

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